National Elder Abuse Phone Line – 1800 353 374
Call the National Elder Abuse phone line for information, support and referrals. Your calls will be referred to Territory Families FACES phone support.
FACES is a telephone hotline that offers information about and referrals to support services throughout the whole of the NT. This service can be accessed by anyone in the community from parents and carers to professionals, who are seeking advice on resources and services that can help, support and empower families and children.
FACES stands for Families and Children Enquiry & Support. It is a free service that is available by calling 1800 999 900 between 8am-8pm Monday to Friday. It is also a free-call number.
In a critical situation (e.g. where there is a serious risk to an older person’s life), it is vital to seek help from the appropriate emergency service (e.g. Police or Ambulance) by phoning 000.
Relationships Australia’s Senior Relationship Services supports older people to feel respected and safe. It offers early intervention support and counselling and facilitates family meetings for seniors and their families.
Contact: Relationships Australia NT – 8923 4999 –
Darwin Community Legal Services
Elder Abuse Information Line – 1800 037 072
8982 1111 or 1800 812 953 (free call) –
Operates the Elder Abuse Information Line, which assists seniors and their families with information and referrals to a range of support services.
COTA NT is one of a number of agencies working to address issues of ‘elder abuse’ and build services in this area.
NT Elder Abuse/Older Person’s Abuse Response Services – Consists of Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities – Office of Senior Territorians, COTA NT, Anglicare NT, Darwin Community Legal Service (DCLS), Relationships Australia , Australian Security & Investment Commission, Catholic Care NT, Central Australian Women’s Legal Service (CAWLS).*
COTA NT marks World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 15 June every year by:
More can be viewed on the website.
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