NT Grandparents Day


NT Grandparents Day is a day to celebrate the role grandparents and older people play in our society - both the things they have done, and the things they keep doing. It's a day to spend time with an older loved one and connect across the generations.

Grandparents Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of October. 

During the three-year project run by COTA NT, the dates for Grandparents Day are:

  • Sunday 31 October 2021
  • Sunday 30 October 2022
  • Sunday 29 October 2023


Grandparents Day is celebrated across the world and in some Australia states.

Grandparents Day was celebrated in NSW (2020), QLD (2020), WA (2019) and ACT (2012) by state government with initiatives including free downloadable community resources, Best Grandparents Awards, free passes to local attractions for grandparents and children.

5 easy ways to get involved

You can get involved in NT Grandparents Day in a number of ways:

  1. You can share your ideas on ways to celebrate NT Grandparents Day (anything from a special one-to-one phone call, play or reading time, community or school-based event)
  2. You can share your favourite photos* from your "brag book" and help us to celebrate real Territorian grandparents and older kin on the NT Seniors Voice and NT Grandparents Day websites
  3. You can visit our  NT Grandparents Day website and register for a free Community Resources Kit and/or tell us about your planned event
  4. Share photos of your NT Grandparents Day event on the NT Grandparents Day website
  5. Encourage participation in the competition helping to launch the first NT Grandparents Day - create a painting, artwork, poem or short story about the special bonds between grandparents, older kin and the younger generations.



*You must adhere to conditions around sharing photos and have all necessary permissions in place before you send them to us.

The NT Grandparents Day website should be published at the end of May.

It will include a free Community Resource Kit, event calendar and Brag Book (photo gallery).

Community Resource Kit 

When you register on the site, you'll receive a free Community Resource Kit containing everything you need to plan and celebrate NT Grandparents Day. It includes:

  • an event budget planner
  • ideas for venues, activities, décor and catering
  • colouring sheets and free “selfie” frame template
  • templates for invitations, posters and flyers
  • and artwork for social media and web pages.



Yes. We will be hosting an event!

COTA NT Grandparents Day

  • Date / Time: Sunday 31 October (10am to 1pm)
  • Venue: CDU Marrara Stadium, 235 Abala Road, Darwin

COTA NT will host its first NT Grandparents Day event with a program of activities for grandparents, seniors, carers and children to enjoy together including: dance and fitness fun, oversized games and toys, story time, parachute songs, clowning entertainment and face-painting. Details to be finalised.

Ways to support COTA NT's NT Grandparents Day

You can support our first NT Grandparents Day event in lots of ways!

  1. Come along to the event with your friends and family
  2. Bring your grandies along to the event
  3. Spread the word about the day!
  4. Encourage your local school to get involved and ask the Principal to register for the Free Community Resources Kit on the NT Grandparents Day website.
  5. Be a Volunteer at COTA NT's Grandparents Day event
  6. Be an Exhibitor at the event and share news of services/products/support that you have for grandparents and older kin and their grandchildren
  7. Become an event Sponsor


Event planning can feel a bit daunting if you haven't done it before, but it's easier than you think - everyone will be appreciative of your effort - and can be very enjoyable too!

Remember Churchill before you start though. He said, "He who fails to plan, is planning to fail."

Download your free Community Resource Kit from the NT Grandparents Day website (launching end of May). Everything you need to plan an event from scratch.



You can share your photos by clicking here and uploading your photo.

It should be in a jpeg or png file format.


 Permissions / Talent Release

You are agreeing that:

  • You authorise COTA NT to display, print, and distribute in any manner for free any photographs for publications associated with Territory Seniors, COTA NT, NT Grandparents Day.
  • You are the photographer of any images you send.
  • You have obtained any talent releases.
  • You indemnify COTA NT against any claim, legal or otherwise, that may arise out of publication of the image.
  • You agree that a credit line will be attributed to you, the photographer, where possible on the NT Grandparents Day website.

A Talent Release Form is an agreement between the producer and the talent (i.e. photographic subject/model), which effectively gives the producer the rights to use that content for promotional, commercial or other objectives related to the project.

You can make up your own talent release form. The text below may assist you with this (this talent release has been used by COTA NT)

Image Release Authority for Council on the Ageing NT

I, ­­­­­­_________________________________________________________________________ of (suburb) _________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________    Email: _________________________________________

  • I give permission for my name and visual and/or audio recordings of me to be used in advertisements, documents and other promotional material published by COTA NT.
  • I give permission for visual and / or audio recordings of me to be used in connection with social media for COTA NT
  • I am free to enter into this Agreement, and to appear in advertisements, documents and other promotional material published by COTA NT.
  • This agreement is made under the laws of the Northern Territory and any dispute can be taken for resolution by the courts in the Northern Territory.
  • Wherever possible, COTA NT will remain sensitive to and understanding of cultural, family and personal sensitivities.

Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent?           Yes          No

Do you have any special consideration for use of the visual/audio recordings(s) (for example you may not want to have your photograph printed in the newspaper)

Brief description of visuals/audio recorded (eg: Seniors Month picnic):


Signed: _____________________________________________ Date:___________________

(if a minor, signature of parent/guardian)

Collected on behalf of COTA NT by:

Name: ___________________________Signed: ___________________________________

COTA NT is collecting the information in this form to obtain permission to use visual and audio recordings in COTA NT advertising, documents, promotional materials and social media accounts, Visual and/or audio recordings, or other personal information described in this form may be supplied to contractors or service providers engaged by COTA NT advertising and promotions. You are entitled at any time to access and amend the information provided by you on this form.

Information about having visual and/or audio recordings taken of you for COTA NT

Before you agree to have any recordings taken of or including you for COTA NT, there are some important things you need to know.

Note: Where photo or photograph is used, the same applies to any other recordings, such as video, film and sound.

What will happen to my photograph once it is taken?

COTA NT will store your photograph digitally in its photographic database and library. The talent release form that you signed will be placed in a file. The photograph and the form will be cross referenced to ensure we have your permission to use your photograph.

Who can use my photograph?

  • Once stored in the database, your photograph may be used by COTA NT.
  • Your photograph cannot be shared with any person, organisation or company outside of COTA NT without your express permission. This includes private companies, political parties, advertising agencies and charitable organisations.

Where will my photograph be used?

Your photograph may be used in a variety of applications, ranging from small newsletters to major displays, websites and social media accounts. Some of the typical places you might see your photo include:

  • In newsletters distributed in the Territory and interstate in both printed and electronic format.
  • In advertisements in newspapers, magazines or television in the Northern Territory and the rest of Australia.
  • In a range of printed publications such as brochures promoting or explaining COTA NT services.
  • On COTA NT websites and social media accounts.
  • On COTA NT displays.

What if I don’t want my photograph to be used somewhere?

  • It can be quite a surprise to see your photograph blown up two meters tall at a display, or to suddenly find yourself appearing on television. You need to be aware that your photograph may be used in these situations unless you ask for it not to be. If there are circumstances where you do not want your photo used, make sure you write that down on the Talent Release Form you sign. Or if you are giving permission for your photograph only to be used for one purpose, you also need to write this down.

Why do you need to know if I am Indigenous?

  • We appreciate that if you are indigenous, there may be certain cultural sensitivities about using your image.

The competition* is for primary aged children across the Territory.

What do they have to do?

The challenge is to make the brightest, most smiley “I Love Grandie” themed-artwork, photo or writing in their school

Everyone has to caption their entry with their favourite name for their Grandie!


One winner will be selected from each region: Darwin, Top End, East Arnhem, Big Rivers, Central, Barkly

  • Each regional winner receives a book voucher and certificate
  • The winning school receives a pack containing: iPads, school books, art and colouring supplies.

Each participant can receive a Participation Certificate.

All entries can be displayed at school.

The overall winner will be selected by the Minister of Education and Minister for Senior Territorians, the Hon Lauren Moss and the winning entry displayed at Parliament House.

* please note that the competition terms and conditions may be subject to change.